Where are you located?

We are located in Brooklyn,NY 11226

What are your hours of operation?

Monday - Friday 10am-6pm

Saturday - Sunday 11am-8pm

(Date and times are subject to change)

How far in advance can I place an order?

2-3 weeks is ideal for our time frame but the earlier the better to ensure we can get your order completed on time just the way you like. We do take on last minute orders as well (rush fees may apply)

Am I able to make changes to my order?

Changes can be made up to 1-2 weeks prior before order is due for pick up.

When do I pay my remaning balance after I paid my 50% retanier fee?


Do you offer any vegan, gluten free, or dairy free items?

As we would love to include everyone for our menu, we do not offer these items as of yet but hopfully in the future we will have these items on hand.

Do you work with fondant or buttercream icing?

At the moment we only offer Buttercream cakes and cupcakes. We do not do fondant cakes but work with fondant details. We out source our fondant details for all of our orders

What happens if I get my order and it gets damaged on the way to the destination?

Suga Coma and Khym herself is not liable for any cake/treat damage once it leaves our studio. Please keep items cold until you are ready to serve, keep out of direct sunlight, and most importantly keep things leveled while traveling.


Please note all customers assume 100% liability for the product upon pick-up/ uber delivery. Please keep your treats refrigerated until you are ready to enjoy them.

Disco dust and Techno Glitter used for treats to give that WOW factor are Non-Toxic and not FDA Approved and should be consumed at your own risk. Edible glitters are an option upon request and are FDA Approved but doesn't give off that same WOW factor